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Senin, 12 April 2010

getting healty

Senin, 12 April 2010
i attended to the wedding party of my friend in the last saturday night. n i met with my sister n what im getting shock she looks more gorgeus.. ya she loose some weight n getting more slim that before. i asked she " sis u look more slim now, how it can be?, and she said if i want to loose my weight i have to stay in jungle". hahhaha i know that was a joke. but in reality she work in the jungle cause she got a job in borneo island. but i didnt belived if that a some reason that can make she loose her weight. i dont realy care i just want to be like her, ya i want to loose some weight. not to be a more beautiful or something like that i just to be more healty.

i decided to do my diet program again, again?? ya i was done before but that all useless, not totaly useless but sometime i can loose my weight but if i out of control my weight it gain more that i loosed hahahaha,,,. but i want for a healty way. ya i just cut some of my meal and do more excercise. honestly i have a plan to join in the biggest losser asian season 2. but i think if i wait it'll for that im going to be more heavy hahaha,, so i think it's better to start from now. i just want to be more healthy. i have a friend she realy obsessed to look like a model maybe, but she didnt realized if the way that she choosed to loose her weight it not a good way.i'm not envy with her but i think she didnt care with her body. i wouldn't to talk to her cause she doesn't like to heard about the another reality she doesnt look fat. she looks an normal girl but i think she getting more thin alredy n looks unhealty. ya i don't realy care about that also that's not my business hahaha... i dont wanna to be like her. once more i said i want to be more healty not to be worse..=D

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